Star Wars Day Proclaimed In Cincinnati In 1978
Chewbacca Given Key To City By Mayor Jerry Springer In One Of First Star Wars Days
As an unabashed Star Wars enthusiast, I’ve always glowed with a sense of pride in knowing that Star Wars and Cincinnati have a special relationship. Afterall, it was Cincinnati-based Kenner that launched the spaceship of imagination in the minds of millions of kids in the 1970s.
And I am so glad I one of those millions.
But did you know that on the first birthday of the original Star Wars film in 1978, Cincinnati mayor Jerry Springer proclaimed May 25, 1978 as Star Wars Day? And not only that, but he presented a key to the city to Chewbacca? (Chewie may not have been given a medal of heroism at the end of Star Wars: A New Hope along with his buddies Han and Luke, but getting a key to Cincinnati has to be the next best thing, right?) It is believed that this event was one of the first ever Star Wars Days to be proclaimed.
And it is all the more sweeter that the company that made the figures and ships did so under the shadow of the Carew Tower. Kenner reaped the benefits of signing the contract to be the exclusive toy maker for the Star Wars franchise. During their first year selling Luke Skywalkers, R2-D2s, and Darth Vaders, the company raked in $50 million. And of course, it goes without saying that they got in on the birthday celebration/proclamation in 1978 by teaming up with WKRC radio. The two local companies gave 2,800 orphans a Star Wars toy and provided a screening of the film at the Showcase Cinemas Theaters in Erlanger and Springdale.

I wonder whatever happened to the key and proclamation? Perhaps it is in a hidden compartment on the Millenium Falcon. Perhaps Rey and Finn found it all those years later.